Foundation Stocks


Genesis, Genesis 2 and Centurion Weight Kits – .750″ Length


Add 26oz to you Genesis, Genesis 2 or Centurion with the addition of the 22pc brass weight kit.

Add 26oz to you Genesis, Genesis 2 or Centurion with the addition of the 22pc brass weight kit.

  • Partially tapped to assist with easy insertion and extraction. (Bolt included) Make sure to install with threads facing upwards for later removal if desired.
  • 22 individual pieces to allow placement where needed for desired balance.
  • Silicone adhesive included for semi-permanent installation.*
    • Light application with heat gun will allow removal with included removal tool (12-24 bolts)


*We recommend using silicone if removal in the future is desired. Epoxy can be used as well but typically makes the weights permanently affixed.


Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 3 × 3 in