Foundation Stocks

About Us


When we set out to engineer and build our stocks we set out to build the most exact rifle stocks available. To accomplish this we pulled from both our tool & die and production manufacturing backgrounds. Our team members have intimate knowledge of precision rifle manufacturing and we bring the same level of precision to our stocks that is put into the components that mate to them.

About Us

Foundation’s stocks are machined from a solid piece of composite, formed through combining layers of material and resin with intense heat and pressure. This method gives us several advantages over traditional composite stock manufacturing.

  • The solid block of material gives us a dense homogenous material that is absent of any voids or air pockets commonly found in composite stocks.
  • The structure, density and stability of our material allows us to machine structural geometry into the stock to create a balanced stock while maintaining high levels of strength and rigidity.

  • The high compression strength of our material allows us to build an action/DBM specific stock that requires no bedding or pillars.

  • The consistency of our material allows us to model and test stock changes reliably.

  • Our material is very durable and stable in extreme environments. It is resilient to abuse and is easily brought back to its original luster if scarred.

Our Foundation

     Here at Foundation Stocks we build what we believe to be the best foundation available for your precision rifle. We engineer and build our stocks to be extremely rigid, rugged and able to stand whatever is dished out at them. We strive to pay attention to all the details, big and small.  A ton of time, resources and energies go into building the best product we can offer.

     However, we also believe that one day all those efforts and stocks will fade away and there is only one Foundation that will have mattered. Our Foundation in Jesus Christ.

     Because of that we want everything we do, say and think to be pleasing to Jesus Christ. We will not always be successful but our mission is to conduct ourselves and our business in a manner that glorifies Him.

We would consider it to be a privilege to speak to anyone who would like to know more.

For His Glory,

John-Kyle Truitt

Foundation Stocks LLC

Our Work

a peek inside what we do

Overall our process and material allows us to hold the exacting tolerances needed to provide our builders and shooters with an extremely consistent product.

We would consider it a privilege to build the stock for your next precision rifle build. Please let us know how we can serve you.